Brockton, Ontario

Brockton, Ontario

The challenge

Comprehensive partnership means new standard for safety, quality in O&M of municipal water and wastewater systems.

The project challenges are:

  • In 2006, Brockton sought a value-based solution that would bring its water and wastewater systems under a common contract. 
  • Veolia North America responded with an offering that exceeded the municipality's goals for savings, service and support. 
  • Under an operate/maintain/manage (O&M) program, Veolia has responsibility for Brockton's water facilities (1.98-MGD plant, 0.019-MGD plant, 0.012-MGD plant and water distribution system) and wastewater facilities (1.98-MGD plant and wastewater collection system).

Veolia’s solution

Innovative solutions:

  • Provide project startup and evaluate structural integrity of buildings, tanks and systems.
  • Assess health and safety issues that could impact staff and residents.
  • Develop Process Control Management Plan to schedule and track preventive maintenance.
  • Provide automation systems that will allow for remote monitoring and computerized management systems that will improve and streamline facility maintenance.
  • Identify areas needing optimization, including energy conservation and collection system infiltration reduction.
  • Accept waste from other communities to increase digester gas production and generate an onsite fuel source to reduce reliance on natural gas.

Benefits to our client


  • Achieved 60% savings over the previous operation.
  • Improved the safety of the water supply systems using existing spare online analytical equipment.
  • Provided support resources by Veolia's base of resources in Ontario Province which includes 25 MOE-certified operators.