The challenge as we see it
Many industrial facilities produce a spent sulfuric acid by-product that can be regenerated into a full strength high-quality sulfuric acid. Alkylate is the preferred blending agent for high-quality motor fuel because of its high octane number and low smog creation. Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or hydrofluoric acid (HF) is used as a catalyst in refinery alkylation units. Once the sulfuric acid reaction occurs to make alkylate, the spent sulfuric acid can be regenerated back to its original high-quality sulfuric acid. Due to the corrosive nature of the acids used in making alkylate, there are severe safety consequences if mishandled.
Our differentiated value
We know how to run a safe and environmentally-friendly sulfuric acid plant and share our knowledge on the safe handling, use and storage of sulfuric acid and spent sulfuric acid with our customers.
Our Acid Technology Center is staffed with world-class experts in their field who work closely with our environmental, process safety and operational teams to solve operational, maintenance and technical challenges for our customers and operating sites.
- We have supply chain and logistics experts.
- We partner with highly-skilled transportation providers to ensure the product gets to you on time and safely.
- We provide training on the handling and management of sulfuric acid products.
Veolia owns and operates sulfuric acid regeneration plants throughout the United States.
Focus Innovation
American Chemistry Council Responsible Care®
As an American Chemistry Council Responsible Care® member, we are committed to practices designed to continuously improve the health and safety of plant employees and nearby residents, and to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment.
Our solutions for sulfuric acid regeneration

Veolia is a leader in spent sulfuric acid regeneration (SAR) services to the refining and chemical industries. We work with our customers to determine the beneficial reuse options for handling spent acid.
Customers have the option of transporting spent sulfuric acid to Veolia’s state-of-the-art merchant facilities or we can build, own and operate an onsite SAR facility that is adjacent to the refinery.
Our onsite SAR plants provide a cost-effective, environmentally-sound and flexible alternative to traditional sulfur management systems. These plants not only regenerate the refiner’s spent acid, but also recover part or all of a refiner’s acid gas as sulfuric acid or other sulfur products.
Some of the benefits of this approach include:
- Cleaner, more effective acid gas and sulfuric acid recovery solutions compared to classic Sulfur Recovery Units
- Enhanced focus on core refinery operations
- Improved operational flexibility
- Potential CAPEX reduction
We can supply a range of sulfuric acid products, varying in strength and quality requirements.
Benefits for our customers
Environmental stewardship
Enhanced focus on core operations
Circular economies — reuse by-product spent acid
Focus Innovation
40 CFR 261.2(e) Materials that are not solid waste when recycled.
Our regeneration solutions are recycling-related manufacturing processes that are not considered to be treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous waste and are not considered a solid waste because we use/reuse certain materials as ingredients in an industrial process to make a product.